- We are checking in the children at the door and performing a health screening which includes a temperature check with a touchless thermometer, screening questions about their general health, the family’s health, and exposure to known COVID cases.
- Parents/Caregivers must wear masks at drop-off and pickup.
- All children and staff must wash hands thoroughly with soap (minimum of 20 seconds) upon entering the building and repeatedly through the day when changing activities such as before and after eating, and after going outside.
- Children will be sent home if they have a fever (100.4 F or higher) or flu-like symptoms.
- Staff must wear face covering whenever they are in the building, on walks with the children and when they are in the playground. We encourage the use of face masks by students 2 years of age and older.
- We are teaching the children to: Cover your mouth and nose if / when sneezing or coughing. Refrain from touching your own nose, mouth, and eyes. Refrain from touching each other or sharing items.
- Minimal personal belongings will be allowed in the school (no toys from home, all items must fit in their backpack/diaper bag).
- Each child will have their own set of crayons/pens and markers. They will also have their own bin for books.
- Visitors are not permitted in the building.
- We thoroughly clean all high touch surfaces, handles, shared objects regularly through the day, using directions printed on cleaning/disinfecting protocols to ensure proper use.
- Soap will come from automatic touchless soap dispensers as well as our touchless trash cans that will be placed throughout the building.
- The playground will be sanitized using a disinfectant fogger in between the playtime of different groups of children.